Journal continues to growWelcome to the first issue of volume two of the Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice. The number and range of submissions to the Journal continue to grow and preparations are underway to expand the JUTLP Board to help manage this and the attendant broader scope. This issue contains four papers which cover a spectrum of issues concerned with teaching practice. The first paper, from Rob Phillips, discusses the notion that in spite of all the research supporting a more active approach to student-centred learning, the major portion of instruction is still the lecture mode. The second paper from Gurmak Singh et al provides a review of the aspects of eLearning which higher education institutions might need to consider in their system of education. It also touches on issues crucial to the development of eLearning policy. The third paper from Rebekah Das describes a practical application of internationalising the curriculum, which gives a good example of a curriculum review bringing about real change. Finally, we feature a thought-provoking article (with practical guidance) from Josie Arnold. This paper explores the nature of PhD study in taking the practicum into the domain of scholarship and bringing the PhD into the domain of creativity. It provides checklists that can be used to assess both the practical and theoretical components of a thesis.
Your comments and submissions are always encouraged and I welcome you to read our third edition.
Helen Carter