Issue 2, Board |
Helen Carter - Network for Innovation in Teaching and Learning, University of Newcastle
Geraldine Lefoe - Centre for Educational Development and Interactive Resources, UOW
Helen Mandl - Associate Librarian Planning & Development, UOW
Ruth Walker - Learning Development, UOW
Carolyn Webb - Director of Educational Development - University of Western Sydney
Bill Zealey - Faculty of Engineering, UOW
Issue 2, Reviewers |
Geraldine Lefoe - Centre for Educational Development and Interactive Resources, UOW.
Helen Mandl - Associate Librarian Planning & Development, UOW.
Bill Zealey - Faculty of Engineering, UOW.
Carolyn Webb - Director of Educational Development - University of Western Sydney.
Meg O'Reilly - Teaching and Learning Centre, Southern Cross University.
Mike Keppell - Centre for Integrating Technology in Education, The Hong Kong Institute of Education.
Ray Stace - Centre for Educational Development and Interactive Resources, UOW
Greg Hampton - Acting Head CEDIR/Head of Student Services, UOW.
Patrick Crookes - Acting Dean, Faculty of Health and Behavioural Science, UOW.
Christine Brown - Centre for Educational Development and Interactive Resources, UOW.
Maree Gosper - Centre for Professional Development; Institute for Higher Education Research and Development, Macquarie University.
Tony Gilding - Teaching and Learning Development, James Cook University.
The Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice is published bi-annually
by the Centre for Educational Development and Interactive Resources (CEDIR),
University of Wollongong.
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and are used by permission. Readers should apply the same principles of fair use to the
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works may be read online, downloaded for personal use, or the URL of a document
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ISSN: 1449-9789
URL: http://jutlp.uow.edu.au/